Sobre mí

Fa alguns anys vaig començar a treballar en la creació d'imatges. M'interessava sobretot trobar espais que fossin punts de trobada on realitats dispars, fins i tot antagòniques, poguessin coexistir i dialogar formant, d'aquesta manera, totalitats.

Les meves peces són collages fets principalment a mà a partir de revistes antigues i actuals i d'altres fonts. Per intuïció i a partir de l'exploració, vaig formant imatges simbòliques i surrealistes que expliquen la meva visió de l'inconscient, la natura i el poder. Per explicar el que aquest procés creatiu suposa per mí, cito alguns dels meus referents:

"You must give birth to your images. They are the future waiting to be born. Fear not the strangeness you feel. The future must enter you long before it happens. Just wait for the birth, for the hour of the new clarity."-Rainer Maria Rilke-

"The papiers collés in my drawings have given me a sense of certainty."-George Braque- 

"The mechanism of collage, it seems to me, is revealed by this very simple example. The complete transmutation, followed by a pure act, as that of love, will make itself known naturally every time the conditions are rendered favorable by the given facts: the coupling of two realities, irreconcilable in appearance, upon a plane which apparently does not suit them."-Max Ernst-

"The very first work that I did was that little portrait Collage Number One. It literally was the first; and it saved my life emotionally as well as artistically, because now I could make my own rules. I was like the king of the turf."-Tom Wesselmann-

No són fulles seques, són papallones mortes. 
Autorretrat, collage digital 

Graduada en Arts i Disseny i co-founder a curiós; pots visitar el meu perfil complet a Linkedin.